A factor in both trust and persuasion. In trust, users expect trustworthy organizations to be able to obtain, select and publish testimonials on their websites. In persuasion, publishing testimonials, especially from people who your targeted users will like and relate to, can be highly persuasive
Availability Bias
Giving a greater weight to easily recalled and recent information over information that is less recallable or harder to understand. The heuristics states that if the information can be recalled then it must be important.
Color & Conversions
Color decisions can influence both direct messages and secondary brand values and attributes in any communication. Color should be carefully selected to align with the key message and emotions being conveyed in a piece. However, saying that one color converts better than another is an oversimplification. There is no universal best color. What works on …
We often don’t know why we do the things we do, but we are quick to make up a reason we actually believe, even though its not true. Psychologists call this ‘Confabulation’. The falsification of memory in which people fill gaps in recall with fabrications that they believe to be facts. Confabulation is, for example, …
Consumer Confusion
Hybrid effect with multiple underlying causes. Consumer confusion is a state of mind that leads to consumers making imperfect purchasing decisions or lacking confidence in the correctness of their purchasing decisions. Choice Overload (Paradox of Choice) – Occurs when the set of purchasing options becomes overwhelmingly large for a consumer. Similarity – Similarity is where …