
EMI: Episodic Model Imprinting

Associations Matrix

Episodic model usability can be further operationalized using a WM and LTM associations matrix (see Fig. 12, 13, and 15). Cowan (2001) defines a chunk in WM as having strong intra-associations within a collection of items and weak inter-associations between items.   citation: https://patsula.com/usefo/episodicmodel/images/matrix_experiment_small.gif

EMI: Cognitive Load

cognitive load theory (Sweller, 1988), which posits that “goal attainment and schema acquisition may be two largely unrelated and even incompatible processes” (p. 283). In other words, the demand for resources in performance type reasoning activities in System 2, compete with resources available for learning. According to CLT, there are three types of cognitive load: …

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EMI: Episodic Model Imprinting Framework

A key factor contributing to the effectiveness of instructional and interface design is understanding how mental representations (i.e., mental models) are created in users as they interact within systems to execute goals. If designers are better able to predict user cognitive processes in the creation of mental models during task interactions, and thus ascertain why …

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