Social Platformer
social community system that although there is no prescribed way to use the system, people learn from each other how to use it. Many of the psychological nudges that follow stem from observing others. type of sandbox game.
social community system that although there is no prescribed way to use the system, people learn from each other how to use it. Many of the psychological nudges that follow stem from observing others. type of sandbox game.
is a style of game in which minimal character limitations are placed on the gamer, allowing the gamer to roam and change a virtual world at will. In contrast to a progression-style game, a sandbox game emphazies roaming and allows a gamer to select tasks. Sandbox games: create engagement, are spaces in which to play, …
learning method with children that encourages choice, free play, in a prescribed range of options. Uninterrupted blocks of work times, where playing is learning, working directly from materials than direct instruction from adults
a creative act of two or more apparently incompatible frames of thought
People are centrally concerned with motivation — how to move themselves or others to act. They are often moved by external factors such as reward systems, grades, evaluations, or the opinions they fear others might have of them. Yet just as frequently, people are motivated from within, by interests, curiosity, care or abiding values. These …
Competence and autonomy is the basis of intrinsic motivation and behavior. This is a link between people’s basic needs and their motivations. Autonomy represents the perception of a person’s self-control and being in control of his or her actions. Extrinsic Rewards Backfire for Intrinsically Motivated Behaviors: Offering people extrinsic rewards for behavior that is intrinsically …
Extrinsic motivation comes from external sources. Extrinsically motivated behaviors can be integrated into self. Organismic Integration Theory (OIT), as a sub-theory of SDT, identifies 4 types of extrinsic motivations: Externally regulated behavior: Is the least autonomous, it is performed because of external demand or possible reward. Such actions can be seen to have an externally …
Internalization refers to the active attempt to transform an extrinsic motive into personally endorsed values and thus assimilate behavioral regulations that were originally external. Internalization is identified through 4 extrinsic motivations: EXTERNAL REGULATION INTROJECTED REGULATION IDENTIFIED REGULATION INTEGRATED REGULATION
Intrinsic motivation refers to initiating an activity for its own sake because it is interesting and satisfying in itself (autotellic), as opposed to doing an activity to obtain an external goal (extrinsic motivation).
Relatedness is our fundamental need to feel supported by others; to feel that “I matter” to others and that they matter to me. We often experience this need Relatedness in a relationship with another when we feel they are supportive of our needs for autonomy and competence. Research in basic need satisfaction has shown that …