Availability Bias
Giving a greater weight to easily recalled and recent information over information that is less recallable or harder to understand. The heuristics states that if the information can be recalled then it must be important. citation:
Giving a greater weight to easily recalled and recent information over information that is less recallable or harder to understand. The heuristics states that if the information can be recalled then it must be important. citation:
Episodic model usability can be further operationalized using a WM and LTM associations matrix (see Fig. 12, 13, and 15). Cowan (2001) defines a chunk in WM as having strong intra-associations within a collection of items and weak inter-associations between items. citation: https://patsula.com/usefo/episodicmodel/images/matrix_experiment_small.gif
The old brain, humans’ lower brain structures involved in the limbic system (the ‘lizard brain’) is constantly scanning the environment looking for any changes that signal danger, food or sex. A major job of the old brain is to keep us from harm, anything threatening our survival will get our old brain’s attention. The threat …
Arousal (Food, Sex, Danger) Increases Attention and Memory Read More »
Occurs when an individual becomes so lost in the process of examining and evaluating various points of data that he or she is unable to make a decision with it. Analysis paralysis can occur with many decisions, including investment decisions such as buying or selling securities. The inaction it causes can easily lead to losses …
A cognitive bias where decision making is affected by a lack of information, or “ambiguity”. The effect implies that people tend to select options for which the probability of a favorable outcome is known, over an option for which the probability of a favorable outcome is unknown. Key Takeaways: Underspecify certain features, flexible features that …
the brain craves a story that ties everything together. If the story lacks causality, it will struggle to create that story, and will eventually just make up it’s own causalities — the WYSIATI effect.
ability to close down arguments before they get out of control to continue a persuasive presentation