

Associations Matrix

Episodic model usability can be further operationalized using a WM and LTM associations matrix (see Fig. 12, 13, and 15). Cowan (2001) defines a chunk in WM as having strong intra-associations within a collection of items and weak inter-associations between items.   citation: https://patsula.com/usefo/episodicmodel/images/matrix_experiment_small.gif

Arousal (Food, Sex, Danger) Increases Attention and Memory

The old brain, humans’ lower brain structures involved in the limbic system (the ‘lizard brain’) is constantly scanning the environment looking for any changes that signal danger, food or sex. A major job of the old brain is to keep us from harm, anything threatening our survival will get our old brain’s attention. The threat …

Arousal (Food, Sex, Danger) Increases Attention and Memory Read More »